Thursday, 5 September 2013

Survey shows Increase in digital Reading of God's Word by Americans

A recent survey by the American Bible Society (ABS) revealed that the number of Bible readers who use their smart phone or cell phone to search for Bible content has increased each year.

According to a report in the Washington Examiner, more and more Americans are reaching for some inspiration from the Bible—online that is.

With the convenient availability of Scripture on your tablet, or smartphone, digital inspiration from the Word seems to be on the increase.

The American Bible Society's study found that 41 percent of Americans read the Bible from an internet site on their computer, while 29 percent use their cell phone to access verses, and 17 percent via their Kindle or iPad.

"The data shows a continual shift to digital content," the ABS noted in the report. "The number of Bible readers who use their smart phone or cell phone to search for Bible content has increased each year, with a 6 percent increase in the use of this format from 2012. Use of internet to find Bible content has also increased, up 4 percent from 2011."

Preferred version, according to the survey? King James Version still wins, with 38 percent.

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