Friday, 4 October 2013

Pope Francis receievs Abortion Instruments from Ex-abortionist

Dr. Antonio Oriente a former abortionist's far-fetched dream of surrendering the medical instruments with which he had once performed abortions to Pope Francis became a reality recently, when, to his astonishment, he found himself face to face with the pontiff.

In a testimony posted to Facebook, Dr. Antonio Oriente expresses his surprise at the encounter, explaining that he had originally decided not to go to Rome for a conference of gynecologists to which he was invited, because of a father-in-law in "grave health" and the fact that there was no guarantee he could even see the pope personally. But at the last minute, he changed his mind.

Oriente, the vice president and founder of the Associazione Italiana Ginecologi Ostetrici Cattolici (AIGOC), told ACI Presna, "I used to do abortions before my conversion, and I had the desire to entrust the [instruments] to the Holy Father, after I had failed to do it with John Paul II nor with Benedict XVI."

A fellow member of AIGOC had confirmed that the group would be included in a papal audience for the conference, but said only a small number would be able to meet personally with the Holy Father. Of AIGOC, he said, only the president and secretary were in that number.

"I knew I could not confer with the Pope, and that therefore my desire to give him the surgical instruments which I used as an abortionist would have been nearly impossible," Oriente said in his testimony. But despite these reservations, and worries about bringing the instruments on a flight, Oriente decided to take the flight up from Messina to Rome, "after I prayed and asked the Lord just the same".

After explaining his desire to hand over his abortion instruments at an audience with Pope Francis, airport security authorities in Palermo allowed him to fly. "But in the meantime the boarding had concluded and the doors of the boarding gates were locked. But even here," he wrote, "I prayed in my heart." A policeman called a fellow employee, who allowed Oriente to reach the plane and board.

Upon arriving in Rome, more obstacles appeared, with little chance of speaking directly to the pope. But at the last possible moment, following the pope's speech, Oriente said he told a bishop his story. This bishop, whom he did not name, spoke directly with "Padre George," Archbishop Georg Ganswein, who brought him before the pope "immediately, without hesitation."

Oriente handed the package of instruments to the pope, who, he says, "gave me the mandate to evangelize the pro-life [message] and to defend life itself."

Pope Francis, he said, told him, "This evening I will pray. This [the instruments] I have to bring with me to my room to Santa Marta."
"Then he laid his hands on me, and said, 'You are blessed and fight for life.'"

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