Tuesday, 12 November 2013

A Business Analogy

I have found an analogy from business helpful when it comes to understanding this idea of a turning point.
Suppose our sales people are seeking a new customer. They work hard to build a relationship and create a desire for that customer to do business with us. That process can take a long time. But nothing is ultimately accomplished until a particular event occurs – we get an order or a contract. That transaction is the turning point. Then, of course, we work closely with the customer to meet his requirements.
Success involves three distinct phases: preparation, the transaction and fulfillment.
I noticed there were similar stages in my spiritual journey. Initially, there was a period of preparation during which God was drawing me to himself. He showed me kindness – his love – as when I met Wendy. He allowed difficulties. He brought me to the end of my own resources. But he had a goal in mind. It was to “complete a contract.” It was to bring me to a place where I could trust him and release myself to his care.
From that point a new and deeply committed relationship began. I can say he has done everything possible to fulfill the commitment he made to me when I committed to him.
Let me tell you why I'm sharing my story.
I want to help others come to that turning point.

 Business success involves three distinct phases: preparation, 
the transaction and fulfillment. 
I noticed there were similar stages in my spiritual journey.
~John Beckett

I went for years, searching and struggling. For me, the way home was neither clear nor compelling. I understand others who are confused. For the longest time, I thought it was enough to “be good,” to “do kind deeds,” to “be moral” or to serve others. I now realize these are important, but they are not transformational. They’re not the same as coming home spiritually. That only happens when we enter a personal, life-changing relationship with Jesus Christ.
At this critical transition in my own life, I understood very little about the profound change that was taking place. Now, through insights gained from the Bible, from sound teaching and the “classroom of life,” I have a much better grasp of how a person enters and walks out that vital relationship.
As I explain how one becomes properly related to God, I’m sure I won’t address every question. But I believe I’ve found a reliable roadmap. I know it would have helped me on my journey. I trust it will help you

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