Increasingly Sunday sport is becoming an issue for Christian children
and parents. More and more sport is being organised for Sunday mornings
and this causes a clash with the traditional time for church. It is a
problem for parents and pastors alike who find themselves torn between
prioritising children’s spiritual growth whilst at the same time
encouraging them in the sport they are evidently passionate about. They
walk a tight-rope of difficult decisions between on one hand having
children who do lots of sport but have no concern for Christ, and on the
other hand children sitting in church resenting it because it is taking
them away from sport! Does reorganising church to fit around sport send
the wrong signals? If Sunday sport is where we find all the children
and parents who aren’t Christians isn’t it crazy to disengage from it?
What about our spiritual growth as a family, shouldn’t we all be at
church together, rather than alternating who takes our daughter/son to
the game? These are tough questions, it is a tough dilemma.
Last week Christianity Today,
a widely read magazine in America, published an article by Megan Hill, a
mum who is going through this dilemma in real time. Her son is a good
young baseball player with Sunday games. In her piece she wrestled with
this problem and concluded,
“Sports are good. It's good for children to use their bodies, to
cooperate with others, to compete under authority, and to discipline
themselves to perfect a skill. But the triumphs of the playing field are
a dim shadow of the true blessings of Sunday.”
She continued,
“Our weekly detour to the ball field, instead of showing our children
how much we love them, actually promotes a lie: children are not
important in worship. Nothing could be further from the heart of our
Lord... Worship will be the unceasing work of eternity (Rev. 4:8). When
we shuttle the family minivan from one Sunday game to another, we are
actually depriving our children of vital practice time. Practice for
Clearly these conclusions had not been easy for her to reach, but they
do echo a growing consensus in the church (hence how many people
retweeted the article link and referenced it in their Facebook status) -
tough as it is, we should prioritise spiritual growth and ‘worship’ and
therefore go to church on Sunday and miss Sunday sport.
I want to completely agree about the priority of worship:
- Children are vitally important to it.
- The triumphs of the playing field are a dim shadow of it.
- We need to help children see how it shapes their whole life.
And yet I want to completely disagree about the conclusions that are reached!
Why? Because the conclusions are based on an unfortunate and far too
common misunderstanding of worship. Worship does include the corporate
gathering of God’s people (the church) on Sunday - or any other day for
that matter, but worship is not confined to this.
Jesus Christ and his Apostles make it very clear that in the light of
his death, resurrection and the giving of his Spirit - worship
encompasses every sphere of life, and that must include sport. Jesus
tells the woman at the well that in contrast to worshipping only in a
particular location, at a particular time, ‘the hour is coming, and is
now here, when the true worshippers will worship the Father in spirit
and in truth for the Father is seeking such people to worship him’ (John
The Apostle Paul famously writes in Romans 12:1,
‘I appeal to you therefore, brothers by the mercies of God, to present
your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, which is
your spiritual worship’.
Worship is still tied to the temple; but the new temple of the Holy
Spirit - our bodies, and not the old temple at Jerusalem. Consequently,
wherever our bodies go, there is a sphere of worship. Of course then the
very bodily activity of sport can be an act of worship if it is offered
to God in light of his mercies.
Pause and please don’t let the profound significance of this reality
pass you by. Think of the difference it can make to sport. When I was
first shown that I could play rugby as worship to God, it was like an
revolution in my heart - and I have seen the revolution repeated every
time someone grasps this. Suddenly one of my great passions in life was
given a dignity and importance that was transformative. Immediately I
started to see how significant my conduct on and off the pitch was - God
reclaimed the rugby pitch for his own!
What an impact this truth can have on children. The world tells them
that Christ is a cultural irrelevance to be kept barred up behind church
doors. This tells them that Christ is the Lord of all who claims every
sphere of life for his own! The world tells them that their faith is
disengaged and worship is an odd activity for a few people. This tells
them that their faith is engaged and worship is the normal activity for
those made in God’s image! The world tells them that heaven is an
ethereal existence singing endless choir anthems. This tells them that
heaven is a profoundly physical existence where all things are
transformed and renewed - this world, us, our passions, our work, our
Rather than retreat from sport to prioritise Sunday worship, we need to
engage with sport as worship. Have we thought that if we want to
prioritise our children’s spiritual development that perhaps one of the
best training grounds for this could be on the sports pitch? Where
better to learn how to love the Lord our God with all our heart, mind,
soul and strength than a place where all those facets are put under
strain? Where better for the fruit of the Spirit to grow than a place
where character flaws are quickly exposed? This is not to fall into the
parallel error of thinking the goals of secular sport are somehow
seamlessly aligned with Christ - our engagement must be transformative -
and that will mean saying ‘no’ to aspects of sport; the
self-exaltation, the professional fouls, the idolatry. But it is to say
with C S Lewis that,
‘There is no neutral ground in the universe: every square inch, every
second, is claimed by God and counter-claimed by Satan’ (Christianity
and Culture)
So let us help our children claim this ground for Christ.
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